Just send your details to: dev@karolis.lt

Less talk, more work!

Dive deep into the code with a full-stack developer who thrives on the complexities of the back-end. Armed with a robust command of the TALL stack, Vue.js, React, and a mastery over databases like MySQL and Redis, I craft seamless, powerful experiences that elevate your project to new heights. My portfolio, featuring everything from elegant front-end designs to robust back-end systems, showcases a unique blend of versatility and precision. Whether it’s creating visually captivating websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, or integrating complex APIs for enhanced functionality, my work consistently exceeds expectations, ensuring optimal performance under all conditions. Ready to turn visions into reality without unnecessary delays? Send over your details and let’s get to work—because in development, results speak louder than words.


No, seriously, just contact me, pretty please